What I Don’t Know

Starting this holiday season, I want to take some time every day to focus on a broader set of topics than just machine learning. While ML is extremely valuable, working on it day after day has given me tunnel vision. I think it’s important to remind myself that there’s more out there in the world of technology.

This post is going to be an aspirational one. I started by listing a ton of things I’m embarrassed to know nothing about. Then, in the spirit of self-improvement, I came up with a list of project ideas for each topic. I find that I learn best by doing, so I hope these projects will help me master areas where I have little or no prior experience. And who knows, maybe others will benefit from this list as well!


My knowledge of networking is severely lacking. First of all, I have no idea how the OS network stack works on either Linux or macOS. Also, I’ve never configured a complex network (e.g. for a datacenter), so I have a limited understanding of how routing works.

I am so ignorant when it comes to networking that I often struggle to formulate questions about it. Hopefully, my questions and project ideas actually make sense and turn out to be feasible.




Cryptocurrencies are extremely popular right now. So, as a tech nerd, I feel kind of lame knowing nothing about them. Maybe I should fix that!



Source Control

Before OpenAI, I worked mostly on solitary projects. As a result, I only used a small subset of the features offered by source control tools like Git. I never had to deal with complex merge conflicts, rebases, etc.



Machine Learning

Even though I work in ML, I sometimes forget to keep tabs on the field as a whole. Here’s some stuff that I feel I should brush up on:




For something so ubiquitous, phones are still a mystery to me. I’m not sure how easy it is to learn about phones as a user hacking away in his apartment, but I can always try!



Misc. Tools

I don’t take full advantage of many of the applications I use. I could probably get a decent productivity boost by simply learning more about these tools.

